Monday, August 1, 2011

Hi to anyone taking the time to read this.
I hope  and pray that you are doing well.
I have set this blog up in hope of receiving prayers so God can step in and help heal me.
 First off i am no-one special except maybe to the people that love me.
 I try to be a desent person,help when I can ,I try not to hurt peoples feelings even if they have hurt mine.
I try to love people as much as I can.
I guess all that I am trying to say is I am a just like you a regular person.
Now for a bit of my story-
 I have been in terrible pain for almost a year now, very sick and losing weight and the doctors can't figure out whats wrong  with me.
I have two sons who really need their mother and a husband who needs me.
My family worries too much about me,they are affraid I am going to die,my youngest son yells out "MOM!" all the time(when he can't see me),because he is scared I am going to die.My husband phones home all the time fearing the worst.
 I need as many prayers as I can get to get well.
Please Pray for my healing and for my family.
Please leave your story to if you are in need of a prayer also.

I have been  saying Father Peter Mary Rookey healing prayer (I hope you will to):
THE MIRACLE PRAYER>>> Lord Jesus, l come before You, just as I am. I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In Your name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. l give You my entire self, Lord Jesus, now and forever. I invite You into my life, Jesus. I accept You as my Lord, God and Saviour. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit.
Come Lord Jesus, cover me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I love You, Lord Jesus. I praise You, Jesus. I thank You, Jesus. I shall follow You every day of my life. Amen.
Mary my mother, Queen of Peace, St. Peregrine, the cancer saint, all you angels and Saints please help me. Amen.
Please leave a comment so I know someone is praying and I will pray for you also.